Module dryoc::dryocsecretbox

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Secret-key authenticated encryption

DryocSecretBox implements libsodium’s secret-key authenticated encryption, also known as a secretbox. This implementation uses the XSalsa20 stream cipher, and Poly1305 for message authentication.

You should use a DryocSecretBox when you want to:

  • exchange messages between two or more parties
  • use a shared secret, which could be pre-shared, or derived using one or more of:

If the serde feature is enabled, the serde::Deserialize and serde::Serialize traits will be implemented for DryocSecretBox.

Rustaceous API example

use dryoc::dryocsecretbox::*;

// Generate a random secret key and nonce
let secret_key = Key::gen();
let nonce = Nonce::gen();
let message = b"Why hello there, fren";

// Encrypt `message`, into a Vec-based box
let dryocsecretbox = DryocSecretBox::encrypt_to_vecbox(message, &nonce, &secret_key);

// Convert into a libsodium-compatible box
let sodium_box = dryocsecretbox.to_vec();

// Read the same box we just made into a new DryocBox
let dryocsecretbox = DryocSecretBox::from_bytes(&sodium_box).expect("unable to load box");

// Decrypt the box we previously encrypted,
let decrypted = dryocsecretbox
    .decrypt_to_vec(&nonce, &secret_key)
    .expect("unable to decrypt");

assert_eq!(message, decrypted.as_slice());

Additional resources


pub use crate::types::*;


Protected memory type aliases for DryocSecretBox


A public-key authenticated encrypted box, compatible with a libsodium box. Use with either VecBox or protected::LockedBox type aliases.

Type Definitions

Stack-allocated secret for authenticated secret box.
Stack-allocated secret box message authentication code.
Stack-allocated nonce for authenticated secret box.
Vec-based authenticated secret box.